Monday, July 26, 2010

Kara's piano recital. She did a really great job. Now that they are in Oregon Ann is looking for another piano teacher. Kara still practices but that's hard to keep at when you only have mommy to challenge you. Ashlyn is taking piano lessons too and is doing very well. Maybe Cindy can send me some pictures I can post of her piano recital.
This a view of our "Stateroom". It was about the size of some people's walk in closet. But it was very comfortable.
Another view of the stateroom.
Layne on deck. He spent a lot of time taking pictures of the ship with his new camera.
I was sick most of the time but had a good time anyway. Found out that if you get seasick suck on a green apple. That takes away the motion sickness.

cruisin' with family

We went on a cruise with Jay& Amy and Gary & Linda. We took this picture of us with our server. He taught us a Samoan word a day but do you think I can remember them now. We had a really fun time.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ashlyn's baptism

Richard and Ashlyn before they went into the font for Ashlyn's baptism.
Doesn't Ashlyn look like an angel? She was getting tired of people taking pictures. I don't blame her. This was Feb 6 2010.